Hello all.

I still have some unanswered question and I would like a solution.
I have recently upgraded to version 2.2.3 from 2.1.12 (I think) and if I do activate vritual domains in imapd.conf my old accounts are unusable (I can login, but can not read emails). Some error about maildrop not being located.

More than that, if I add a new user using cyradm using cm [EMAIL PROTECTED] and set up a password for it (in an sql table using sasl 2) I can NOT login using [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have try many different configuration and what I could find on wikipages and on the list archives but no problem encountered so far as mine.

I will be happy with any solution or workaround so I can use the virtdomains feature of the cyrus-imapd for which I've been waiting almost 1 year.


Paul Dorneanu
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