
I'd like to set up cyrus with some virtual domains using sendmail as MTA.

How do I configure sendmail such that messages to addresses like
will be delivered to the mailbox "username" in the virtual domain?

right now I use the cyrusv2.m4 from <http://anfi.homeunix.net/sendmail/cyrusv2.html>

in the mailertable I have entries like this:
virt.domain.com cyrusv2d:/var/imap/socket/lmtp

but it seems that messages will not be delivered to the users mailbox.

[mail]# sendmail -C sendmail.cf -bv [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] deliverable: mailer cyrusv2d, host /var/imap/socket/lmtp, user [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How can I resolve first.last to username? (aliases don't work: I have identical first.last in multiple domains)



Didi Rieder
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