I have been having recurring problems with our email
system. I am almost certain that it is an issue with
Cyrus. Sorry for the long message, just thought it would
be good to get it all in at once. We are using the below

        Red Hat 9

- Users are able to send: postfix is ok
- Users are able to login: openldap and cyrus-sasl ok
- Users can view existing messages: cyrus sort of working
- Users do not receive email
        : something with cyrus or possibly the lmtpd service
- When I restart cyrus and postfix flush message
everything is fine.
        : postfix was not able to talk to cyrus but the
        : restart corrected it.
        : Also the flush does push all deferred email
          through so postfix had it.
- If I postfix flush before a Cryus restart nothing happens.
        Its only after the Cyrus restart that a flush works
        and email starts coming through.
- This seems to be happpening everyday.
- It seem strange that they can login and read existing mail
        but not receive new mail.

- Has anyone seen this before?
- Is this a known issue with my conf?
- What should I look for in the maillog to troubleshoot this?

Thanks tons,

- Kevin
Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyruswiki.andrew.cmu.edu
List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html

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