We have a similiar configuration:
- cyrus-imapd-2.1.15
- db-4.0.14
- 500+ users

We were having very similiar issues. For us it turned out
to be issues with the Cryus deliver program. Our
configuration set the mail transport as "cyrus". We
changed to use lmtp and all our problems went away,

Lmtp is is a message transport service. It is much more
efficient than the deliver program.

I would suggest making the same change if you are
currently using deliver. Are you using postfix?

If your are, check "/etc/postfix/main.cf" for the
"mailbox_transport" setting. If it is cyrus you are using
the "deliver" program not the lmtpd service.


> Hi
> We run a 100 user imapd server (cyrus 2.1.15 and db
> 4.1.25) which is
> having a huge amount of problems with the delivery and tls
> databases
> (both in Berkeley DB) becoming corrupted and killing the
> mail server. I
> have searched the mail list and it appears that this is
> not an uncommon
> problem with solutions being down grade DB version to some
> thing prior
> to 4.1.25 or use skiplist.
> Anyway we have had so much fun we are building a new
> server with
> cyrus-imapd 4.2.5. At the moment I am trying to figure out
> if I just
> give up on Berkeley and use skiplist for delivery and tls
> databases or
> try Berkeley DB 4.2.52. With 100 users we are not talking
> a heavy load
> so the performance advantages of BDB over skiplist would
> not be massive.
> I guess I would be interested if anyone has had problems
> with
> cyrus-imapd and BDB 4.2.52. Also if anyone has done any
> bench marking on
> the effect of skiplist vs bdb in real world mail serving.
> Cheers
> Matt Cocker
> ---
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