On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 10:12, John Arthur wrote:

> Well I guess that would depend on what type of system you are installing it
> on. Simon Matter provides an excellent RPM for RedHat which is what I have
> based my (customised) setup on. As far as reliability goes Cyrus is an
> outstanding piece of software.

Agreed. I've basically been able to install it and forget about it,
which is _bliss_ when working as a sysadmin in a small company that in
many ways has big company IT needs.

One thing I'd love to see would be some tips on properly configuring the
Berkley DB for Cyrus. The only problem I've had with Cyrus was
BDB-related. I was under the impression for a long time that BDB was
just unreliable, but it seems from things people have been saying here
that it's simply misconfigured most of the time. If that's correct, then
some info on how to get it right would be really handy.

If someone who knows enough about BDB and Cyrus can provide me with that
info, I'll fill it out and write it up for the wiki. I'm sure some of it
will interest the NetATalk folks as well.

Craig Ringer

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