* Tore Anderson > Hi. I want to set up a Cyrus IMAPd so that every domain is virtual, > yet still allowing unqualified usernames to log in - in that case, > they should be mapped into some default virtual domain.
* Denis V. Suhanov > Hmmmm, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't 'defaultdomain' option > do that? No, the defaultdomain option maps the user outside of the virtual domain setup altogether, instead of mapping him into the specified domain (if unqualified). That makes Cyrus strip off the domain part of the username before passing it on to saslauthd for authentication. That's my problem - I need to have the entire qualified username available in saslauthd for an LDAP lookup, while still allowing the users in the primary domain to log in with unqualified users. That's necessary as the current system I'm replacing with this Exim+Cyrus setup allows exactly that and there's quite some thousands of end users in the primary domain who've set up their MUA's to use unqualified addresses. Changing that behaviour would be a support nightmare. So in other words my patch does "user" -> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" qualification, while the "defaultdomain" setting does "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" -> "user" un-qualification. At least that's how I understood it. -- Tore Anderson --- Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyruswiki.andrew.cmu.edu List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html