On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, Etienne Goyer wrote:

Jun 21 14:10:11 frontend1 imaps[31561]: accepted connection
Jun 21 14:10:11 frontend1 imaps[31561]: starttls: TLSv1 with cipher RC4-MD5 (128/128 bits reused) no authentication
Jun 21 14:10:11 frontend1 imaps[31561]: login: somehost.somewhere [] someusername plaintext+TLS
Jun 21 14:10:11 frontend1 imaps[31561]: open: user someusername opened INBOX on backend2
Jun 21 14:10:11 frontend1 imaps[31561]: PROTERR: end of file reached

This indicates the connection was closed abruptly.

Jun 21 14:26:54 frontend1 master[12195]: process 2270 exited, status 75
Jun 21 14:26:54 frontend1 master[12195]: service pop3s pid 2270 in BUSY state: terminated abnormally

This happen with both pop3s and imaps.

This is more of a concern. It indicates the process is exiting with an abnormal error code. EX_TEMPFAIL, which isn't tremendouly useful. Is it always the same user, same mailbox, etc?


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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