On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Rob Tanner wrote:

> Is it possible in in Cyrus Imap to rename top level mailboxes?  Or, if not,
> are there plans in a future release?
> There are time when I need to rename "user.jsmith" to "user.jjones" and our
> current process is to delete the account.  If there is no option currently in
> Cyrus, are there any workarounds.  Since all of our account management is
> done remotely, I would like to be able to rename the user without having to
> be locally on the mail server itself.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> --
> Rob Tanner
> UNIX Services Manager
> Linfield College, McMinnville OR

Hi Rob (waves north from Corvallis, OR)...

We do a copy then delete process to rename user's mailboxes when their
usernames are changed.  I've attached the scripts we use to this message.
The scripts reference a file "prefs.pl" which contains the site-specific
stuff like mail server hostname, admin user, admin password, etc.  You
should be able to create one of your own easily enough.

I'd be happy to donate these scripts to the Cyrus Wiki, but I confess that
I'm not familiar with creating a new "page" in the Wiki to contain and
describe these scripts.


Attachment: utils.pl
Description: Perl program

Attachment: delete_user_mail.pl
Description: Perl program

Attachment: copy_user_mailbox.pl
Description: Perl program

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