Three questions about Cyrus::IMAP::Admin:

I am using Cyrus::IMAP::Admin for a script to archive mailboxes. It should rename <mailbox> to <mailbox>.Archives.<date><integer>.

1). How does one list mailboxes which _don't_ contain ".Archives."? It's one thing to list those that _do_:

my @mailboxes = $connection->list "*.Archives.*";

But I've been over the IMAP RFC and Cyrus documentation and can't find how to put negation in a pattern.

2). How does one test whether a mailbox exists? I want to do something like:

my $integer = 0;
while (exists "$mailbox.Archives.$date$integer") {

3). How does one test whether a mailbox is empty? I want to do something like:

if (! empty $mailbox) {
        $connection->rename $mailbox "$mailbox.Archives.$date$integer";

As an extension, how does one test the size of a mailbox? Instead of "if (! empty $mailbox) ...", it might be useful to test "if (size $mailbox > $limit) ..."

Thank you very much for any help or suggestions!


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