Maybe somebody can help with this:

I'm working my way through a Postfix/Cyrus/SASL setup with the intention of adding 
MySQL later.

I have come so far that I can see files named __db.<serial number> grow in the

/var/lib/cyrus/db directory (Debian woody).

However, no mail ends up in the mailboxes underneath the

/var/spool/cyrus/mail directory.

I assume this means that postfix successfully transfers mail to Cyrus via lmtp (I use 
a tcp socket to communicate between chroot jails). There are registered Cyrus 
users corresponding to the email addresses queued up, so I'm puzzled as to why 
the mail doesn't move - any bids?

Also, I must admit that I don't understand the Cyrus documentation very well (and I 
miss a bunch of basic functions in cyradm, especially such providing more enquiry 
possibilities into parts of the queueing system). I have searched the web for more 
understandable information without luck - can anybody point me to a good paper 
explaining the internal workings of Cyrus (including diagrams :-))?

Many thanks!


Whatever you Wanadoo:

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