On Tue, 17 Aug 2004, Edward Rudd wrote:

> list "" "user/%"
> list "" "%"
> list "" "example/%"
> Is this the intended "way" of retrieving domains? it seems rather
> cumbersome. The end result of this is to update my CyrusAdmin php class
> to support version 2.2.3.  However it seems as though I have to run MANY
> queries to retrieve this information.
> Is there any simpler way via IMAP to retrieve a list of domains/users?

A few questions:
1) Have you tried adding wildcard '*' to your queries?
2) Are you using unix separator instead of '.'?
3) Are you using the commandline cyradm util?
4) Have you tried to list all by simply typing "list" ?

Regards, Erik

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