On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 06:30, SÃren Neigaard wrote:
> Hmmm I wonder if Im in over my head here... I found some RPM's for Fedora
> Core 2 (as the install from src seemed not to work) and installed those, now
> I have a "imapd" running as a cyrus user which I guess is good, and I also
> have "cyradm" tool installed, but still I have no idea what to do now, and
> worse I have no idea how to figure it out :(
> What I would like to do, is to get OpenGroupware to use Cyrus and sendmail,
> so I can use OpenGroupware to send/receive internal and external mail.
> So I wonder if OpenGroupware can manage the mailboxes for me, so all I now
> need is to setup OpenGroupware to work with Cyrus, and create users via
> OpenGroupware, or? Or do I need to manually create something, and how do I
> do it, and also how do I even test if my Cyrus installation is actually
> working?

I'm in the process of implemented OpenGroupware now.  OGO uses cyrus
imap server (preferred, but another will work), along with an smtp
server to integrate with their groupware server.  You have to install
and configure cyrus and your smtp server to get OGO to work.

I'd strongly recommend against trying to skip the cyrus imap learning
curve.  It can be tough, but this list rocks--they've answered all my
questions so far!

As far as installing cyrus, if you have an imapd daemon running then I
would say it's intalled.  I would still read the cyrus imap documents
regardless though--they cover a LOT of useful information including how
to test and set up an installed application (imtest, etc) regardless of
whether it's rpm or source.  If you can't find it on your computer, just
go to the website (http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/download/imapd/).

Hope this Helps,

Kevin Williams
Tarity Technology Corp.

Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus
Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyruswiki.andrew.cmu.edu
List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html

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