On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 10:15:20PM -0400, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> In general programs which access the mail store run as the cyrus user. 
> Inasmuch as this should be being done at all, your program should be 
> setuid cyrus. I don't think doing this is a good idea in general, though.

Is a requirement to our Sutdents web portal, show mailbox usage of each
users. All students web portal are written in PERL, but IMAP::Admin is a
little bit slow just because it log as the cyrus admin [or the user] using
LDAP and... that takes a lot of time.

Then i wrote a simple C code and compile that as a PERL Package, then i have
direct access to their quota. Apache user is in the mail group [i don't know
why... but that's the true] and i want to run the PERL script with apache
user rights [then mail rights]... i don't want to put apache into cyrus
group, just because i don't want apache could be read mailboxes.

That's the whole problem...



Felix Cuello
- 1506 -

A gift of a flower will soon be made to you.

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