> Jim,
> >
> > On Tue, 2004-09-21 at 12:12, James Miller wrote:
> >> I'm having a tuff time with Outlook 2000 and openssl.  Here's my
> >> situation:
> >> I have cyrus-imapd 2.2.8 w/TLS enabled.  Basically I create my CA:
> >> openssl req -new -x509 -keyout private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days
> >> 3650 -config ./openssl.cnf
> >
> > <snip>
> >

Hello everyone,

My apologies to everyone for the post.  I'm so embarrassed, I was using an
OLD NT4 workstation computer to do my testing from (don't ask me why I was
using such an old piece of crud).  When I tested it with Outlook and OE on
98(SE & ME), 2000, and  XP I had no problems at all.  In addition everything
worked with Thunderbird (using a pkcs12 version of the rootCA).  So it seems
the issues were with NT all along.  I thank everyone who commented and
offered advice.


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