On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 11:36:14PM -0500 or thereabouts, Jim Levie wrote:
> cracker simply runs a tool kit that attempts to exploit all known
> vulnerabilities for that OS. If one works, they are in, and if not they
> move on to another system. The tools themselves seldom check version
> information since it may be hidden, or in the case of some Linux systems
> not reflect the real security state of the package due to back ports of
> fixes from later versions.

Hi Jim and others,

interesting discussion and information about how to see suppressing
cyrus information from the crackers and others sight.

But that was not my question. I don't want to theorize about goods or
bads about this, I simply want to do it, and I am asking _how_ to do it.

Can one supply me with this information?


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