I agree.
It know that it isn't a critical feature but it would make life much easier if 
something is there in /var/log/ that collects everything what's going on with 
cyrus-imap and the mailboxes.

That way it would also be more compliant with the way other services do 

I would be very happy if you would consider it.
B.t.w. don't get me wrong: i like the cyrus-imap already the way it is...:-)

Grz. Johan

Op zaterdag 6 november 2004 07:53, schreef u:
> Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> > On Nov 5, 2004, at 1:54 PM, Johan Barelds wrote:
> >> Are there any plans do to a proper /var/log/
> >> logging for all the actions like pop statistics, inbound, outbound
> >> mail to specific mailbox, deletion of mail by mailbox users etc.etc.
> >>
> >> I know the /var/log/imap/log/<user> telemetrics logging but that is
> >> to cryptic for me and not very usefull in day to day administration.
> [...]
> > Whether it's an improvement is subjective. CMU for instance wouldn't
> > use such a feature.
> >
> > Anyway, there are no current plans to do so, but if (an optional) way
> > to do so showed up we would consider including it.
> I do think it would be nice if Cyrus IMAP provided an option to log folder
> and message deletions, ideally with Message-Id's if that information is
> indexed or easily available without affecting performance too much.  Mainly
> because I have end users that from time to time manage to accidentally
> delete folders or messages and then claim that our mail server "lost their
> mail".  When this happens all I can really do is setup telemetry logging
> for that user and tell them to let me know when it happens again, but of
> course it never does.  It would be much nicer for me to be able to say "you
> deleted this message at <date and time>".
> Anyway, I understand that this isn't a critical feature but nevertheless I
> thought I'd throw my vote in. :)
> ---
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Kind Regards / Met vriendelijke groet,

Johan Barelds,
Strijplaan 320
2285 HZ  Rijswijk(ZH)
Tel.   +31(0)70-3965230
Fax.  +31(0)70-3965271
Mob. +31(0)6-54253750
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