On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Axel Grupe wrote:


I got performance problems with saslauth daemon. I`m using debian with cyrus 2.1.16 and saslauthd 2.1.19 for authentication.
The saslauthd is configured to use pam, which itself uses mysql for password-verification.

I test the system with 50 perl-script in the background from another machine, which makes continuous pop3-connections to my server.

So, the problem is, if I just take one user for the perl-authentification-test, cyrus or better the saslauthd can handle up to 7000 queries per minute.
But, if there isn`t only one user but rather 45.000 users, which will be connected through the perl-scripts. The performance goes down to ~1000 queries per minute.
I don`t think this causes of pam or mysql, because if saslauthd uses directly ldap (just al little test of me) saslauthd just handles the same (~1000) queries per minute.

If you want to test the speed of saslauthd alone, do not use pop3 to test the authentication. It seems to me you are bound by the speed of cyrus-imapd rather than saslauthd. saslauthd/ldap can do way more than 1000 auths per minute.

Another test: if I use auxprop in cyrus with mysql, it goes at least down to 150 queries per minute.

I fixed some params of saslauthd like -c, -n (0), -t ... but it didn`t get fast!!!

-n 0 will make it slower...

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