Marcus Schopen wrote:

> Is there another way? There are no sendmail-8.13.x and Cyrus-2.2.x packages 
> for Debian and I don't want to build all that stuff from source.

I'm in the same situation as you. The options are basically:-

a) Upgrade to Cyrus 2.2 and sendmail 8.13 and use the socket map.

b) Use an old hack where sendmail checks the existence of a
user by actually looking for the physical directory for the Cyrus inbox
on disk. Only works if sendmail and Cyrus are on the same box.

c) Maintain your own static map of valid users, and make it available to
sendmail via virtusertable or something similar.

d) Stick all your email accounts into LDAP, and backend both Cyrus and
sendmail off that.

The first option is a bit painful on Debian, as is basically requires
you to maintain your own sendmail and Cyrus packages separate to
mainstream. I've done this in the past (for Cyrus 2.0, which never had
official debs), and it's enough effort that these days I try to avoid
rolling local debs where possible (though I confess to still using my
own sendmail debs, as I'm not at all fond of the Debian ones). The
second and third options work, but each has fairly ugly points. I'm
moving towards using LDAP for everything, but haven't had time to sort
it all out yet.

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