As one who has been dealing with the CR/LF issue in relation to qmail, I will 
that as long as you are using standards based protocols to access and inject 
into the mail store, the internal format is irrelevant.    It is best to view 
as a black box, any custom code you write to access cyrus internals could 
easily be
broken in the next release.    Thus it is neither a cyrus, postfix or IMAP 
problem, it is just the way cyrus is designed to work

The only problem I have had with this is that sieve re-injects mail into the 
via sendmail and the sendmail interface is not defined by a standard.  (but 
by the default current behavior of sendmail.)    Since cyrus stores in CR/LF it
injects into sendmail with CR/LF and qmail's sendmail replacement expects LF
only.   I suspect that qmail is the only MTA that has this problem since no one
else has reported it.   (BTW, if anyone is using qmail, I have a fix in place 
that resolve this by patching qmail's sendmail replacement.)

The only time you would want to mess with the internal format is when you are 
something like a mailstore conversion (I know we converted from UW's IMAP 
server a
while back using this technique), but even then you may be better of using 
based tools to copy.

John Wade

OpenMacNews wrote:

> hi ken,
> thx for the reply =)
> >> anyway, can/does cyrus-imap store/process msgs w/ UNIX line endings?
> >> where/how do i specify such?
> > Cyrus doesn't mangle line endings of messages in any way.  It expects them 
> > to
> > be in RFC 2822 format (CRLF) and stores them that way on disk.
> ok. <reading ...>. thx.
> i guess some of my (current) confusion stems from the fact that the same
> message sent from my client (Mulberry) to a cyrus imap store, and to a
> 'different' server (CGPro, in this case), both of which are _supposed_ to be
> 'standards compliant' (which i assume means/includes RFC 2822), ends up stored
> on disk with different line-ending formats.  specifically, cyrus-imap has
> DOS-style, and CGPro has UNIX-style.
> > How they are stored on disk, shouldn't really matter, because *all* access 
> > to
> > the messages should be via one of the Cyrus supported protocols (POP3, IMAP,
> > NNTP) or tools, not by direct access to the mail store.
> fair enuf. prob'ly good advice =)
> fwiw, the primary reason i'm looking at the line endings is that i'll
> eventually be writing a migration script from other message stores to cyrus 
> ...
> although your comments lead me to think that i should NOT do such a task via
> direct file-level access/manipulation, but rather via a protocol tool, like
> openeing/using an imap session itself ...
> another reason i'm 'looking inside' is that i'm (perhaps unwisely and if/until
> i learn more abt cyrus's indexing capabilities ...) considering the use of a
> search engine (mnogosearch, in my case) on my message store, and hence, am
> interested in msgs' text formats ...
> so, all that said, and recognizing that it 'shouldn't matter', and that 
> *cyrus*
> 'isn't' mangling' the line endings, am i correct in understanding, then, that
> it's NEITHER a postfix or cyrus issue?  should i be looking to my client
> (Mulberry) for a solution?  it just seems odd to be ending up with DOS line
> endings on a Mac/UNIX platform ... and that something _must_ be 'wrong'.
> thx again & cheers,
> richard
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