On Thu, 2005-02-03 at 14:24 -0800, Dan Perez wrote:
> Hi All,
> I see that this question has been posted before, but I don't see a clear 
> answer, so forgive me.  Any leads would be appreciated.
> I'm running cyrus 2.2.10, on RHEL 3.0.  It works great.  Now I want to start 
> using sieve... but I can't get sieveshell to connect to the server and I 
> don't understand why.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] log]# sieveshell -u cyrus localhost
> connecting to localhost
> Please enter your password:
> unable to connect to server at /usr/bin/sieveshell line 169, <STDIN> line 1
saslpasswd cyrus

#add password for cyrus to sasldb


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