All of this sort of information could (should?) be pooled in a place like the Cyrus Wiki.

I'm wondering if O'Reilly has any plans to update their dated "Managing IMAP" book ;-)  My guess is probably not.

Cyrus/SASL is one of those great products that is very complex, and it deserves some coverage of it's own.

Re: the below posting, a trouble-shooting section is definately in order - some of the common problems I've seen asked (via googling around) could be addressed in the Wiki as well.

For the record, I've run into that popular "connect to /var/imap/socket/lmtp [ ... ] Permission denied" error (amoungst other problems) and the explanations I've seen out there appear (to me) as varying as the shape of snowflakes ;-)


Wil Cooley wrote:
On 2005-02-16, Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Something in greater depth than Wil's site would be appreciated - he
doesn't cover what to do if it ain't workin' and at the moment, that
would seem to be a good topic for a couple of us.

Yeah, I split the SASL stuff out to eventually be a separate HOWTO, but I
haven't actually done anything with it--it's mainly just the sections from
the old HOWTO converted from LinuxDoc to DocBook.

A troubleshooting section is definitely called for, as is a section on
integrating with the various clients.

In terms of your actual problem, though, have you tried adding the 'debug'
flag to the pam_unix configuration?  Assuming you've got something like
this in /etc/pam.d/system-auth:

auth        sufficient    /lib/security/$ISA/ likeauth nullok

Just add the 'debug' at the end and your logs should show more verbose
messages.  (I also like to make a /var/log/debug that I turn on and off
as necessary.)

Since imtest works but IMP doesn't, you might want to run tcpdump to
capture the actual IMAP traffic for the latter and see how it differs
from the imtest IMAP conversation.  I like to capture traffic to a file with
tcpdump and then view it with Ethereal.  Something like:

tcpdump -w imp-imap.tcpdump -s 0 'port imap and host impclient'

You really want the '-s 0' so you capture the whole packet and not just
the header.


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