
our Institute runs a Cyrus 2.2.3 on a SuSE Box 9.1 for two month without a problem (~100 mail accounts). Today, we have got the well known error message:

DBERROR db4: Logging region out of memory; you may need to increase its size
DBERROR: opening /drbd/system/var/lib/imap/deliver.db: Cannot allocate memory

With the help of this list I found out that this refers to the way DB is configured. I also found out, that I should increase "Log record cache size" and "Log region size" (set_lg_regionmax 131072 and set_lg_bsize 524288) by creating a file called "DB_CONFIG" in my DB_HOME.

Let me tell you what I did not find out :)

My DB_HOME is nowhere set as an environment variable, but given that my db's are stored in /drbd/system/var/lib/imap/ I assume that this is it. Hence, I stored the DB_CONFIG file in there -- listing the parameters given above. After restarting cyrusd I checked the config with "db_stat /drbd/system/var/lib/imap/deliver.db -l" ... but neither of the two parameters have been adjusted.

I think I miss a step somewhere and I do not know for sure what my DB_HOME is .. is there a way to find out? I've also read about some "db_recover" and that it should be run before starting cyrus again. But any help on this topic is really appreciated, since I am not a Berkeley DB master at all... and since this is my life db ... well, you know.

Thanks a lot!


Stephan A. Rickauer

Institut für Neuroinformatik

Universität / ETH Zürich
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zürich

Tel: +41 44 635 30 50
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