On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 14:36 -0600, Jim Miller wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> My apologies if this rambles on abit but I'm very frustrated and can't seem
> to figure out what I'm missing.  I've setup cyrus-imap 2.2.10 to use openssl
> certificates, users can connect and get mail just fine until I set
> tls_require_certs: true -- When I do this Outlook users can no longer
> connect but Thunderbird users can.
> I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
> Here's the process I followed to setup my certificates -- I didn't
> do -nodes:
> openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa -out cacert.pem -outform PEM -days 1825
> openssl req -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout tempkey.pem -keyform PEM \
>               -out tempreq.pem -outform PEM
> openssl rsa < tempkey.pem > cyrus_key.pem
> openssl ca -in tempreq.pem -out cyrus_crt.pem
> cat cyrus_key.pem cyrus_crt.pem cacert.pem > /var/lib/cyrus/cyrus.pem
> Set this in imapd.conf
> tls_ca_file: /var/lib/cyrus/cyrus.pem
> tls_cert_file: /var/lib/cyrus/cyrus.pem
> tls_key_file: /var/lib/cyrus/cyrus.pem
> I then distribute the cacert.pem as mailserver.crt and users import it into
> IE/Thunderbird w/out problem.
> Next I created a .p12 file from the cyrus_crt.pem for import into
> IE/Thunderbird again w/out problems.  Here's the process that I use to
> generate it.
> openssl pkcs12 -export -in cyrus_crt.pem -inkey cyrus_key.pem \
> -name "result of - openssl x509 -noout -in cyrus_crt.pem -subject | sed -e
> 's;.*CN=;;' =-e 's;/Em.*;;'" \
> -cname "result of - openssl x509 -noout -n cacert.pem -subject | sed -e
> 's;.*CN=;;' -e 's;Em.*;;'" \
> -out mailserver.p12
> Here's the output from SSLDUMP for Outlook
> New TCP connection #4:
> 4 1  0.0006 (0.0006)  C>S SSLv2 compatible client hello
>   Version 3.1
>   cipher suites
>   TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
>   SSL2_CK_RC4
>   SSL2_CK_3DES
>   SSL2_CK_RC2
> 4 2  0.3764 (0.3757)  S>C  Handshake
>       ServerHello
>         Version 3.1
>         session_id[32]=
>           xx 44 xx b4 xx 11 xx ee xx 7b xx a2 xx f7 xx f3
>           5c xx da xx a3 xx 21 xx 6a xx 25 xx 62 xx 9a xx
>         cipherSuite         TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
>         compressionMethod                   NULL
> 4 3  0.3765 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
>       Certificate
> 4 4  0.3765 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
>       CertificateRequest
>         certificate_types                   rsa_sign
>         certificate_types                   dss_sign
>         certificate_authority
>               LINES removed
>           53 69 6d 75 xx 72 6f 6e 69 63 xx 20 43 6f 72 70
>           63 73 2e 63 6f 6d       ServerHelloDone
> 4 5  0.3794 (0.0029)  C>S  Handshake
>       Certificate
>       ClientKeyExchange
> 4 6  0.3794 (0.0000)  C>S  ChangeCipherSpec
> 4 7  0.3794 (0.0000)  C>S  Handshake
> 4 8  0.3798 (0.0004)  S>C  Alert
>     level           fatal
>     value           handshake_failure
> 4    0.3802 (0.0004)  C>S  TCP FIN
> Here's the output for Thunderbird w/SSLDUMP:
> New TCP connection #1:
> 1 1  0.0008 (0.0008)  C>S SSLv2 compatible client hello
>   Version 3.1
>   cipher suites
>   SSL2_CK_RC4
>   SSL2_CK_RC2
>   SSL2_CK_3DES
>   Unknown value 0x39
>   Unknown value 0x38
>   Unknown value 0x35
>   Unknown value 0x33
>   Unknown value 0x32
>   TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
>   Unknown value 0x2f
>   Unknown value 0xfeff
>   Unknown value 0xfefe
> 1 2  0.0053 (0.0045)  S>C  Handshake
>       ServerHello
>         Version 3.1
>         session_id[32]=
>           xx 74 xx 33 xx cc xx 49 xx 3e xx c0 bd xx 0b xx
>           a8 xx 5f xx 7d xx b1 xx 79 be 3b xx 2a 69 f0 9d
>         cipherSuite         TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
>         compressionMethod                   NULL
> 1 3  0.0054 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
>       Certificate
> 1 4  0.0054 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
>       CertificateRequest
>         certificate_types                   rsa_sign
>         certificate_types                   dss_sign
>         certificate_authority
>               LINES removed
>           53 69 6d 75 xx 72 6f 6e 69 63 xx 20 43 6f 72 70
>           63 73 2e 63 6f 6d
>       ServerHelloDone
> 1 5  0.1347 (0.1293)  C>S  Handshake
>       Certificate
>       ClientKeyExchange
>       CertificateVerify
>         Signature[256]=
>               LINES removed
>           53 69 6d 75 xx 72 6f 6e 69 63 xx 20 43 6f 72 70
>           63 73 2e 63 6f 6d 1 6  0.1347 (0.0000)  C>S  ChangeCipherSpec
> 1 7  0.1347 (0.0000)  C>S  Handshake
> 1 8  0.1563 (0.0215)  S>C  ChangeCipherSpec
> 1 9  0.1563 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
> 1 10 0.3315 (0.1752)  S>C  application_data
> 1 11 0.4106 (0.0790)  C>S  application_data
> 1 12 0.4108 (0.0002)  S>C  application_data
not arguing with anything that you've done but this is how I've gone
about it...

openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048
openssl req -config /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf -new -x509 \
-days 3650 -key ca.key -out ca.cert
openssl req -config /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf -new -x509 -nodes \
-out /etc/ssl/cyrus-global.pem -keyout /etc/ssl/cyrus-global.pem \
-days 3650
openssl gendh 512 >> /etc/ssl/cyrus-global.pem
openssl x509 -in /etc/ssl/cyrus-global.pem -out /etc/ssl/cacert.crt

Then I copy cacert.crt to a web server and let users 'INSTALL
CERTIFICATE' from this file (cacert.crt).

and then in imapd.conf
tls_cert_file: /etc/ssl/cyrus-global.pem
tls_key_file: /etc/ssl/cyrus-global.pem
tls_ca_file: /etc/ssl/ca.cert

I haven't a clue really what I am doing but it seems to work with the
only problem is that entries in subjectAltName don't seem to work for
Outlook clients. I probably need to generate specific certs for each cn
but haven't gotten around to that yet. YMMV

ps - I used this info...


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