Zitat von Martin Balint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello,
> Me and a couple of friends are starting a small server (FreeBSD 5.3),
> which should serve our own homepages, projects, family emails
> I decided to use Cyrus-IMAP + Postfix as a mail system.
> There should be more virtual domains (www and mail).
> W: Apache 2 + PHP5 + Mysql 4.1
> M: Postfix 2.2 + Cyrus IMAP 2.2 + Amavis + SA3 + Squirrelmail
> In general, imagine yourself a commercial webhosting - this should be a
> very similar setup, and requests.
> Now, I have a dilemma, which DB to use to store mail accounts. There are
> 2 candidates, MySQL 4.1 and OpenLDAP.
> Are there any advantages for which one to choose?
> What is important:
> * Virtual mailboxes - nobody will have shell access to the machine,
> except admin
> * Easy administration - a small php backend would be created, where
> domain admin can manage mailboxes (Sieve filters through SqMail plugin
> manageable by mailbox  owners)
> I have quite big experiences with MySQL, but almost none with LDAP
> (maybe it's a good reason to learn something).
> With MySQL 4.1 I have a feeling, that it won't be possible to use
> pam-mysql, which is required by Cyrus-IMAP?

If you are lazy (most of the admins are) choose MySQL because you already know
how to handle it. If you want to learn LDAP choose OpenLDAP.

Postfix can handle both well and Cyrus only use some authentication backend
supported by pam.



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