i want use this crypt password to login in cyrus imap with mozilla
thunderbird or squirrelmail.... So in the mysql DB the password is crypt.
So, what i have to do? Is this possible and where can i find the patch?

Thanks a lot.

> On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Berger, Stefan (IT- Management) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a possibility for use crypt mysql passwords with cyrus imap? Is
>> there a patch available or any other solution? I've patched the cyrus
>> sasl
>> 2.1.19  and this works fine.
> Not for any scheme which is hash based, only schemes which take a password
> (e.g. login). Otherwise the one-way crypt is not reversible and you have
> no way to transform the password.
> The archives have a pointer to a patch, if this is what you want to do.
> ---
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