(Quotes regarding how to get the core dumps generated snipped)

Okay. I finally got it to generate core dumps correctly. Unfortunetly it did not help any. Here is the backtrace:
(gdb) where
#0 0x0fb263b0 in strcmp () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1 0x10005228 in ?? ()

Not very helpful. So my only other solution will be to run lmtpd inside of gdb and track it down manually. However I still cannot get lmtpd to run correctly using the -D command. It always complains about the CYRUS_MASTER environment or whatever it is. Anybody know how to properly run lmtpd under gdb so I can step through the functions until I figure out what is wrong?

Taken from the man-page and put in my imapd.conf:
debug_command: /usr/bin/gdb /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/%s %d


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