I have unique problem. Due to office politics or whatever the main server used is M$exchange.
Since availability of email service is a key business issue to this company and since M$exchange was going down to often and since they cannot give up using M$exchange I was hired to come up with the solution.

Solution would require: protection of M$exchange servers to receive only prestine (clean) messages, and in case that is not enough and M$exchange goes down, provide users with alternative email server where they can login and have ALL previous messages there and while working there get the efforts of their work back on M$exchange when it up.

To make the long story short, I have provided them with 2 Linux servers, postfix, cyrus, squirrelsmail, calmav, amavis+new, samba (winbind especially for authentication, thus no user administration on Linux servers) and ldap + my sh/perl sripts.

The reason for 2 Servers - if one goes down the other is a replica (kind of) of the other - thus email services are still operational.
So I am authenticating users login in only in SquirrelMail via winbind agains M$ ActiveDirectories Servers.

Every hour I am polling pertinent user data (emails, maildrops, group mambership, etc) from M$ ActiveDirectories and storing it in LDAP but I also add additional maildrops - which are my 2 servers - thus message will not only be delivers to M$exchange but also to my Linux servers via lmtp to Cyrus.

Here is the essence of my problem:
Cyrus will be recieving all messages while these messages will be hardly managed - ea users will login only in emergency and their attention is on reading and sending messages - not on proper management of messages.

Obviously sooner or later I will run out of disk space.

Can I somehow induce Cyrus to delete messages that are, lets say 3 month old?

If you have any solution to this please reply ASAP

If you would like to know more details about this project let me know and I will email my installation journal.

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