Etienne Goyer wrote:

RHEL 4, kernel 2.4.21-27.0.4.ELsmp

I had many corruption problems with fedora , turns out there seems to be a bug in mmap. RHEL 4 might have the same mmap bug.
can you check your logs and see if you find any IOERROR stating that the mailbox file couldn't be mapped ?

You can delete the mailboxes.db and restart cyrus, then you can run ctl_mboxlist -m on the backends

I would ... if it would'nt take a fews hour. We have > 400K mailboxes on two backends.

What I do here is temporarily configure cyrus to save the mailboxdb in /dev/shm , that makes the import much faster.

You could also recover the mailboxes.db getting it from the hot backup in the db.backup1/2 directories and then run ctl_mboxlist -m on the backends. That would work only if your hot backup isnt already corrupted

The corruption would have happenned yesterday, and the backup are rotated every five minutes ... :(

Thanks for your input !

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