Hello (yet) again,

I had some tips that because I had unixheirarchysep turned on in imapd.conf, I
needed to address my mail to "Conference/News" instead of "Conference+News" but
that, unfortunately, hasn't worked either.  Are there any other tips out there
I could be following?  Thanks for your time!
Josh Whitver

>I've modified the imapd.conf file to include a "postuser: Conference" line and
>added "cyrusadmin" to the list of admins.
>My /etc/postfix/main.cf file has this line in it:
>local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps
>and I've created /etc/postfix/shared_db with the line "Conference yes" and
>done the postmap to create shared_folders.db (/etc is actually a symlink to
>/private/etc on an OS X machine, for the observant/curious readers out there).
>In addition, my recipient_delimiter line looks like this: "recipient_delimiter
>= +"
>I've created a mailbox named News and given "anyone" posting privileges:
>localhost> cm News
>localhost> sam News anyone post
>localhost> sam News cyrusadmin all
>localhost> lam News
>cyrusadmin lrswipcda
>anyone lrsp
>So as I understand it, I should now be able to send an email to
>"Conference+News@<domain>" and have the message show up in that shared
>mailbox.  This isn't happening.  Instead, I'm getting a return message:
><[ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: data format error. Command
>    output: Conference+News: Mailbox does not exist
>Reporting-MTA: dns; testldap.urbandale.schools
>X-Postfix-Queue-ID: C01D23E094
>X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Arrival-Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 15:17:18 -0500 (CDT)
>Final-Recipient: rfc822; [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Action: failed
>Status: 5.0.0
>Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; data format error. Command output: Conference+News:
>    Mailbox does not exist

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