On Mon, 23 May 2005, OpenMacNews wrote:

  % make depend
  % make all

fails @:

  gcc -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -L/usr/local/berkeley-db/lib
  -bind_at_load -ldl -L/usr/local/berkeley-db/lib -ldb
  -F/Library/Frameworks -framework SASL2 -o sievec sievec.o libsieve.a
  ../lib/libcyrus.a ../lib/libcyrus_min.a  libsieve.a
  -L/usr/local/cyrus-sasl/lib  -lsasl2  -lfl
  -L/usr/local/berkeley-db/lib  -ldb-4.3 -lssl -lcrypto  -lcom_err
  /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make[1]: *** [sievec] Error 1
  make: *** [all] Error 1


which, as b4, i'd gather stems from:

  >> ... the fact that et_list is not defined in libcom_err/com_err.h, i.e.:
  >>     % nm /usr/lib/libcom_err.dylib | grep et_list
  >>     % (<-- empty)
  >>     % grep et_list /usr/include/com_err.h
  >>     % (<-- empty)

fyi, as i'm googling to unnderstand this, and figure out what - if anything - changes re: kerberos under Tiger -- i'm finding an old thread at:

Well, so, if you manually use compile_et from /usr/bin to compile the et file, does it emit a __et_list reference? Otherwise, you have some other compile_et being used. Get rid of it.

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