On Mon, 23 May 2005, Mark Nernberg wrote:

Ok.  I got the issues with compile_et & com_err worked out (by
specifying --with-com-err=/usr/local/dist/cyrus-imapd-2.2.10 in

Now that its compiled, I need to test it (duh!).

When connecting via telnet to localhost 143, I get the following:

# telnet localhost 143
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* BYE Fatal error: can't write proc file
Connection closed by foreign host.

Having Googled this, I noted that there is a prior posting to the list
(from Dec.2004), but it went unanswered.

The directory where proc files are written (which is a subdirectory of configdirectory as specified in imapd.conf, named proc) is presumably not writable to the cyrus user. It should be owned by the cyrus user, not root, and of at least mode 755, but perhaps better mode 700.

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