On May 23, 2005, at 04:41 PM, Rich Cook wrote:

Nice sentiments!   And great language!  Thanks!   You continue to live up to your image.  

Look you idiot, messages sent off-list require permission to post on list, what part of that don't you understand?

The fact that you have some mental issues is of no cern to me but I suggest you seek immediate medical attention.

The fact that the list allows you to get away with such behavior only shows that they do have some tolerance but your blatant lack of respect is insulting to the list in general and the evidence that you attempt to goat someone with childish behavior doesn't say much for your level of intelligence.

I suggest you find another avenue to play your games and come back when you have grown up, I'm not the only one on the list who has concluded this.

Show the list the respect it deserves and stop wasting peoples time with such childish behavior.

Begin forwarded message:

From: websrvr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 23, 2005 12:01:48 AM PDT
Subject: Re: (Silly flame war continues) Re: configure fails on Mac OS X 10.4

On May 23, 2005, at 01:24 AM, Rich Cook wrote:

My evil plan is coming to fruition!  Your question will never be answered!  Ha-ha-ha!   You will never know the terrible secret:  why is Rich building Cyrus IMAP?  I can certainly see that without the answer to that, you could not be helpful at all!   But alas, now I am doomed, for you have unleashed your terrible weapon:  I will never know the answer to the eternal riddle:  What has Apple done with cyrus imap?  Your revenge is indeed terrible, oh mighty one!  It's an epic struggle.  But very entertaining!  Please continue!  I hope you will ask a million questions of me!  For I shall never answer any of them, because of my Vast Ignorance!  :-)

No, your lack of intelligence has you confused, you have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit about your problem.

As a kind gesture I was attempting to offer assistance but had questions.

In my effort to assist you, you displayed a lack of respect and a lack of courtesy.

I now see no reason to be respectful or courteous towards you.

Offer you information or assistance????

You must be retarded, other than having a good laugh, I can assure you I wouldn't waste my time offering you assistance if you were dyeing on the side of the road and your life or death boiled down to me stopping to help you, I'd be the one with a big smile as I drove past you.

Oh, my God!  What functionality will I be giving up?  Will I be able to breathe and eat, still?  Or is that another secret that you must know the answer to a Question before you will answer?  I know your game now, Oracle!  Speak!   What will I do without the answers to these burning questions?  I am so sorry now that I offended you by ignoring your Question!  You have complete mastery over me, now, demon!  But in the future, you will not be so lucky!   For I Shall Read My Email Without Your Help!  Ha!

Of course you continue with your strange theory as to why I missed your question.  Strange, strange, strange.   By the time I realized what your question was, it was clear you were a crazed man with a soul of black coal and a cloudy heart no bigger than a pea.   But as I said, luckily there were others on the list who sent me answers to my question, in a friendly and helpful way, within minutes of my first post.

Still, you Quest for an Answer to your critical Question is pretty fun to play with.  Thanks for letting me entertain myself.

I'm the one having a laugh at you.

As entertaining as you have been, I'm now bored of you.

Richard Cook   
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Bldg-453 Rm-4037, Mail Stop L-557        
7000 East Avenue,  Livermore, CA, 94550, USA
phone (925) 423-9605 (work)    fax (925) 423-6961
Information Management & Graphics Grp., Services & Development Div., Integrated Computing & Communications Dept.
(opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of LLNL)

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