Stephan Wienczny wrote:
I'm trying to use cyrus-imap in my mail-system. Imap is working! I could copy my files to the new location. Now I'm trying to use procmail and deliver to spamcheck and sort my incoming mail. Whenever I send a testmail I get this output to procmail.log: procmail: Program failure (65) of "/usr/lib/cyrus/deliver" I set deliver to setuid and setgid. These are the important parts of my .procmailrc MAILDIR="user.stephan" DELIVERMAIL="/usr/lib/cyrus/deliver -e -q -a stephan" :0w | $DELIVERMAIL -m $MAILDIR I'm using qmail to inovke procmail as user if that does matter. The imap-server is version 2.2.12 on 2.6.11-gentoo-r9-g4 on ppc

What is reported when you use deliver directly from command line?

(echo subject: test; echo) | /usr/lib/cyrus/deliver -- stephan

Andrzej [en:Andrew] Adam Filip [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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