On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 12:50 +0100, Imran Aziz wrote: 
> Hello Marco,
> Thanks a lot for sending a detailed email. The main reason that I am
> not using an RPM is because I have Red Hat Linux 3 ES which
> unfortunately does not comes with Cyrus RPMS. That answers the first
> question of why I am doing this. Second I need to use postfix to
> integrate with cyrus imap so I have to configure everything with PAM
> for authentication , reasons being that I am going to use
> Opengroupware to use Cyrus IMAP.

I'm used to Fedora's cyrus RPM (which is of course a close cousin of RHL
one), and it has pam. It's true that for the configuration part you have
to do it alone, both for cyrus and for postfix. I use sendmail btw.

> Now the second issue is with the version of Berkely database on my
> system. I already have the RPM 4.1.25 installed on my system and I
> cannot uninstall it because it has dependencies on the system. So I
> tried to use ver 4.3.8 but had all sorts of issues with it. ON
> compiling with already installed RPM 4.1.25 I get errors related to
> the post here
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=91933#c0
> which is the latest situation.
> So I cannot use the installed version of RPM on the system because it
> will not work as redhat themselves state in the above post.

Pardom me, but what CPU are you using? After a quick reading, it seems
that the problem is in the i386 glibc packages in the end (sorry there
is too much Fedora/RedHat mixing in the threads to follow correctly all
the issues at a first glance). All CPUs excluding i386 should be NPTL-
enabled by now? Am I missing something?

The comment from RedHat is:
 And what I'm saying -- to make it perfectly clear -- is 
 that this bug will be closed WONTFIX because no Red Hat
 platform is non-NPTL.

Are you running RHL3ES on a non-NPTL platform? I'm asking only to gain a
better comprehension of the problem.

Anyway, this is drifting off-topic, since it seems a bug with the
CPU/kernel/glib/db4 combo that does not depend on cyrus at all (other
applications linking db4 are effected as well).

> And accordingly to my little knowledge of linux if I try to upgrade
> this RPM I am not sure if the other dependent packages like Apache
> will crash, so now I don't know what to do. The issue surly is
> Berkeley DB now, but should I try to install and upgrade on the
> current RPM or should I install a second version of Berkley DB on an
> alternate location and try to compile everything with it.

Oh I see your problem now. The problem is that even if you compile cyrus
with the db4 installed in /usr/local (which I assume you compliled with
NPTL disabled), that's not enough. You have to _run_ it with with same
db4. Remember that (very likely) you're using db4 as shared libraries,
and by default it will look for shared object (.so files) in the system
directories first and will find a different version (see some previous
message of yours). And even if the version is the same, they still are
the wrong libraries (those with NPTL enabled).

You need to tell your cyrus executable where to find the right .so. I'm
not _that_ expert of the cyrus build process to give you the definitive
answer here (I used to maintain my own rpms, but that was 2 years ago).
In general, you can do either at compile time (or better link time) with
a bunch of compiler options, or at run time with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable (everytime you run cyrus).


# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/bdb/lib

or wherever you installed the libdb-4.x.so files, before running your
cyrus imapd. It that works, maybe someone else on the list will provide
you with the right flags to get your rpath correctly set. As a wild
guess, try and do:

$ export LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/local/bdb/lib

(same path as above, it that worked) before compliling cyrus.

I've seen you added --with-sasl=/usr/local/lib to your ./configure
flags. Have you build sasl as well? Why?

      ____/  ____/   /
     /      /       /                   Marco Colombo
    ___/  ___  /   /                  Technical Manager
   /          /   /                      ESI s.r.l.
 _____/ _____/  _/                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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