On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 12:10:31PM -0400, Igor Brezac wrote:
> >Many stories in the internet with using saslauthd and NOT using ldapS.
> What stories?  saslauthd can use ldaps just fine.

as example.

> >I not want use saslauthd and want use ldap-over-ssl.
> Are you saying you want to use auxprop rather than saslauthd or your only 
> requirement is to use ldaps.  Both auxprop and saslauthd can be configured 
> to use ldaps.

I want use auxprop rather than saslauthd if possible (not strong requirement).
And I have to use ldapS (it's strong requirement)

> You setup pts/ldap.
> You do not have any ldapdb related configuration.
> I suggest you learn more about sasl.  See 
> https://bugzilla.andrew.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/src/sasl/doc/options.html?rev=1.30&content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup
> for ldapdb options.


Dmitriy Kirhlarov
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