Results in article being delivered to both - likewise with "discard". In
which case what's "copy" for then ?  ?:/

I think the RFC describes it pretty well...

  This document defines a new keyword parameter, ":copy", to be used
  with the Sieve "fileinto" and "redirect" actions.  Adding ":copy" to
  an action suppresses cancellation of the default "inbox" save.  It
  allows users to add commands to an existing script without changing
  the meaning of the rest of the script.

Personally we want it because our web frontend that generates a sieve script has 3 main "sections":

Discard rules
Fileinto folder rules
Forwarding fules

In general that works really well, and fits most peoples mental model of what they want to do. Most people don't want or need to be able to re-order arbitrary rules, and those that do, can just use sieve itself.

Anyway, the problem is that it generates code like this:

if ... discard-rule-1 ... {
... repeat for other discard rules ...

if ... fileinto-rule-1 ... {
 fileinto abc;
} elsif ... fileinto-rule-2 ... {
 fileinto xyz;
} ... repeat for other fileinto rules ...

if ... forwarding-rule-1 ... {
 redirect "...";
... repeat for other forwarding rules ...

The problem there is the need for the "keep" on the forwarding rule. Most people want forwarding to make a copy, and since redirect cancels the implicit keep, you have to add it back manually. However, this then interacts with the fileinto rules. So if you have a fileinto rule that matches a message, and then a forwarding rule that matches a message, you end up with a copy in the fileinto folder, a copy redirected, and a copy kept into inbox. It's that last copy that people are surprised about.

Now one possible option is to add a clause like this at the end of the fileinto chain...

} elsif anof(.. all-forwarding-rules ...) {
 fileinto "Inbox";

and remove the "keep;" with each forwarding rule. That would basically do what users expect, but unfortunately it breaks + addressing because of the explicit fileinto "Inbox", rather than the implicit keep which files into Inbox, or the appropriate + addressed folder.

Anyway, the point about all this is that the :copy extension will solve this for us. Just add the :copy parameter to the redirect, and remove the keep, and you keep what most people expect and want.


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