Hello all,

It's been a few years since I've posted here, so I hope everyone is doing well.

I'm running into a bit of a configuration issue that I hope someone might be able to help out with. I decided it was time to try letting sieve manage my filters and got avelsieve set up with squirrelmail this morning. I had to fight with timsieve for a bit in order to get it to use the correct SASL auth mechanisms, but that part is working fine now. So, I have the sieve server set up and a script on there, but nothing's getting processed.

I normally use LMTP to deliver mail from Postfix to Cyrus. I tried to use deliver, since googling seemed to indicate this was the best way to do sieve filtering, but using deliver broke my virtdomain config (it strips the domain when delivering). So, what's the best way to get sieve working with LMTP? Is it even possible? Or is it possible to use deliver and preserve the full mailbox name?

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