On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Cristian Salan wrote:

On 8/2/05, Igor Brezac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Cristian Salan wrote:

Hi list,

I'm trying to make a simple setup using CyrusImapd with OpenLdap user

The following errors are listed in /var/log/messages:
imap[36714]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied
ptloader[36715]: starting: $Id: ptloader.c,v 1.39 2004/12/17 16:32:26 ken3
Exp $ (ldap)
ptloader[36715]: ldap_sasl_interactive_bind() failed 16 (No such attribute).
imap[36714]: ptload(): bad response from ptloader server:
ptsmodule_connect() failed

These are ptloader errors.

Can you please explain what is ptloader responsible for

ptloader is a driver for the pts module, an cyrus imapd authorization mechanism.

or where can I
found the documentation for it.

imapd.conf man pages and you should also read cyrus imapd documentation.

imap[36714]: bad userid authenticated
imap[36714]: badlogin: localhost [::1] plaintext some_existing_ldap_user
invalid user

and in auth.log:
imap[36714]: auxpropfunc error invalid parameter supplied
imap[36714]: bad userid authenticated

Something is wrong with your ldapdb configuration and possibly openldap
config.  See cyrus-sasl-src/doc/options.html

I've read what you sugested. Sorry but no clues (for me).

My (maybe too simple) config follows

configdirectory: /var/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
allowplaintext: yes
sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
sasl_auxprop_plugin: ldapdb
sasl_mech_list: plain login

ldap_uri: ldap://
ldap_base: dc=foo,dc=org
ldap_bind_dn: cn=Manager,dc=foo,dc=org
ldap_password: password

These are pts/ldap config params.  More than likely you do not need those.
See cyrus-imapd/doc for more on authentication vs authorization.

If not here where should i tell it about the ldap server?

What do you want to use the ldap server for, authentication, authorization or both? You probably just need authentication and therefore you need the ldapdb auxprop plugin (or saslauthd/ldap or other saslauthd mechanisms that indirectly use ldap such as pam). I suggest you start with cyrus sasl docs.


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