Sujit Choudhury wrote:

Many thanks for the info. However, does it mean that users can not create subfolders beneath the shared folder?

Had another thought on this. If you set the 'deleteright' option in imapd.conf to 'a', then only those users with the 'a' right can delete the mailbox and you can leave 'c' and 'd' for creating submailboxes and deleting messages.

Ken Murchison wrote:

Sujit Choudhury wrote:

Hi Everybody,
We are creating shared folder for groups of people and in general they like it. We are giving members the following right:

So that each member of a shared folder can delete mail.

However in some instance, naive users are also deleting the folder causing lot of grief. Apart from appointing one person who can delete the folder, i.e. everybody gets lrswip and giving one person the following lrswipd, is there anything that can be done to solve the problem?

The 'c' right is the one that allows creation/deletion of a folder, while 'd' allows deletion of messages. So simply remove the 'c' right from the careless users.

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Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
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