Nix, I follow you.. when cyrus runs sendmail , it has GID=smmsp and since

/var/spool/clientmqueue has rwxrwx smmsp smmsp,

it SHOULD be able to put files in there.... but it does'nt.

i did telnet localhost smtp , tried sending to a user with a sieve vacation/redirect and did strace on the process but it did'nt reveal anything interesting. i even straced the master process. I dont think you can strace timesieved since that is a fork off cyrus and listens on socket.


Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

Razmik Ghanaghounian wrote:

Privet Sergey..
i put trusted users 'cyrus' in and it did'nt help.. here is the cut from my

#   Trusted users   #

# this is equivalent to setting class "t"

and Nikola... the permissions on sendmail binary is
r-xr-sr-x r   root   smmsp
so yes, it is setGid smmsp
anyways setting g+w on /var/spool/clientmqueue and making cyrus member of smmsp does the trick but i know it is'nt the right way.

The SECURITY file of the Sendmail distribution explains this to some length, but I'll just give you the gist.

Older versions of Sendmail had the binary set to "rwsr-xr-x", with SetUID=root. This allowed any user on the system to use sendmail to send mail to another local user (sendmail had to be root in order to invoke /bin/mail as root, which delivered to /var/spool/mail/*). Newer versions have actually 2 daemons using the same binary. Three system accounts are in play here, "root", "smmta" and "smmsp". MTA daemon runs as "root" and drops to "smmta" when it handles a connection. MTA-queue scans /var/spool/clientmqueue and if it sees a mail in it, delivers it as "root". Sendmail binary is SetGID to "smmsp" and any user running it will run it with that group ID, allowing any user on the system to submit messages to /var/spool/clientmqueue, in case MSP cannot contact MTA directly (over the socket).

So, to summarize, "cyrus" shouldn't be a member of "smmsp" group, but rwxrwx--- on /var/spool/clientmqueue is a must.

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