A solution to this is a script setup like this:
- external file with username_src,known_password_src,username_dest,known_password_dest
- cycle through file
    - login to ldap on src account
        - save current encrypted password
        - change password to SHA or MD5 enc version of  password_src above
    - migrate mail with imapsync for account
    -login to ldap on dest account
       - change password to saved current(original) encyrpted password. No need to reencrypt

I ended up just changing everyones password to "password" and had them change it back after... but was heading to ward the above.

Hope this helps... Sounds funky but the above is actually not that complex. I'm not  a shell guy so was going ot write it in PHP to be run at commandline.

Kevin Baker

Sujit Choudhury wrote:
After getting advice from various people I tried imapsync, as I was moving one mailbox to another within cyrus environment on the same machine.
So far everything went ok; however only one problem I encountered - I required the passwords of both set of accounts.  As I will be dealing with 400+ accounts, this might be the biggest challenge.
To make the matter worse, the accounts are authenticated via ldap.
Anyway I have done two so far and one person was overjoyed.

Thanks to everybody who came up with various suggestions.

Sujit Choudhury

Sujit Choudhury wrote:
We have two users.  We would like to copy all the mail from one user to another.  What is the best way to do it?
Copying file by file will not work as it would clash with existing names like 300. etc.
Renaming is out of question as we would like to preserve both the accounts.

Any idea will be appreciated.


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