Okay, thanks.  I will try this next time I can take things down

On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Simon Matter wrote:

On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Simon Matter wrote:

You may want to switch berkeley dbs to skiplist to try how it goes.
By default only duplicate_db and tlscache_db are berkeley so you may try
this in /etc/imapd.conf:
duplicate_db: skiplist
tlscache_db: skiplist

Will this change what is used for the /var/lib/imap/db/log.* files?
Or I am missing something in the dependency of things here?

The /var/lib/imap/db/log.* files are some kind of transaction log files of
Berkeley DB. What happens in your case is that the Berkeley DBs generate
errors for whatever reason. Then you stop the server and recover the dbs.
To fix the db files you also have to replay the logs and then remove those
files. The Berkeley DB docs describe this in detail.
The good news with above configuration is that you get rid of Berkeley DB
at all and thus there are no /var/lib/imap/db/log.* files anymore.
Skiplist works quite different but you shouldn't notice anything, except
that no Berkeley DB errors will show up anymore.


Paul Raines                email: raines at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 (2301) 13th Street     Charlestown, MA 02129            USA

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