> Andreas Winkelmann wrote:
>> Am Thursday 29 September 2005 20:19 schrieb synrat:
>>>freebsd 5.3, cyrus installed from ports with default options.
>>>all imap related stuff seems to work just fine, but sieve filters
>>>don't seem to work.
>>>I can create and upload sieve filters to /var/imap/sieve/
>>>via avelsieve-1.9.3 plugin for squirrlmail, but they just don't seem
>>>to have any effect at all. When trying to troubleshoot with sieveshell,
>>>I get authentication errors
>>>sivtest -u cyrus -a cyrus -w mypass localhost
>>>S: "IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v2.2.12"
>>>S: "SASL" "PLAIN"
>>>S: "SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope vacation imapflags notify
>>>subaddress relational comparator-i;ascii-numeric regex"
>>>S: OK
>>>S: NO "Authentication Error"
>>>Authentication failed. generic failure
>>>Security strength factor: 0
>>>Connection closed.
>>>if I test the credentials, then it works ok.
>>>sudo testsaslauthd -u cyrus -p mypass -s sieve localhostost
>>>0: OK "Success."
>>>debug level log only gives me this
>>>Sep 29 14:13:17 skywalker master[40859]: about to exec
>>>Sep 29 14:13:17 skywalker sieve[40859]: executed
>>>Sep 29 14:13:17 skywalker sieve[40859]: accepted connection
>>>Sep 29 14:13:18 skywalker master[876]: process 40859 exited, status 0
>>>any clues how to troubleshoot this ?
>> Did you try sieveshell? Connect with sieveshell and list the Script(s)
>> maybe
>> it is not activated.
>> $ sieveshell -a user -u user localhost
>> $> list
> yes, I can login as a regular user, I guess squirrelmail plugin works
> for uploading those filters, but they still don't seem to work. The
> script is listed as active.
> here's the script as shows up with get command.
> sending a message with subject test, doesn't filter it into existing
> INBOX.spam folder.
> what am I missing ?
>  > list
> phpscript  <- active script
>  >
>  > get phpscript
> # This script has been automatically generated by avelsieve
> # (Sieve Mail Filters Plugin for Squirrelmail)
> #AVELSIEVE_VERSIONYTo0OntzOjU6Im1ham9yIjtpOjE7czo1OiJtaW5vciI7aTo5O3M6NzoicmVsZWFzZSI7aTozO3M6Njoic3RyaW5nIjtzOjU6IjEuOS4zIjt9
> require
> ["fileinto","reject","vacation","imapflags","relational","comparator-i;ascii-numeric","regex","notify"];
> if
> #START_SIEVE_RULEYTo2OntzOjY6ImhlYWRlciI7YToxOntpOjA7czo3OiJTdWJqZWN0Ijt9czo5OiJtYXRjaHR5cGUiO2E6MTp7aTowO3M6ODoiY29udGFpbnMiO31zOjExOiJoZWFkZXJtYXRjaCI7YToxOntpOjA7czo0OiJ0ZXN0Ijt9czo0OiJ0eXBlIjtzOjE6IjIiO3M6NjoiYWN0aW9uIjtzOjE6IjUiO3M6NjoiZm9sZGVyIjtzOjEwOiJJTkJPWC5zcGFtIjt9END_SIEVE_RULE
> header :contains "Subject" "test"
> {
> fileinto "INBOX.spam";
>  > }

Does "INBOX.spam" exist, with the correct case?

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