On Nov 3, 2005, at 1:57 PM, Ken Murchison wrote:

For some of our users I see the following when listing their mailboxes.

user.des2004.Professors and Faculty (\HasNoChildren)
user.des2004.Professors and Faculty (\Noselect \HasChildren)

The mailbox is listed twice. Sometimes clients (Apple Mail) get confused by this (sometime you can store messages in the folder, and other times
you can't)

Mailbox is only listed once in the mailboxes.db

Anyone know why this happens?

Can you capture the actual LIST/LSUB command?

Same deal with mailbox listed twice

> imtest -t "" -a cyrus -u des2004 localhost

Security strength factor: 256
c list "" "P%"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "Professors and Faculty"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "Professors and Faculty Fall 03"
* LIST (\Noselect \HasChildren) "." "Professors and Faculty"
c OK Completed (0.000 secs 4 calls)
c list "" "P%.%"
* LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "Professors and Faculty.Professors and Faculty Spring 04"
c OK Completed (0.000 secs 2 calls)

from the mailbox list (mailbox is listed only once)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ctl_mboxlist -d | grep user.des2004.P
user.des2004.Professors and Faculty     3       des2004 lrswipcda
user.des2004.Professors and Faculty Fall 03 3 des2004 lrswipcda user.des2004.Professors and Faculty.Professors and Faculty Spring 04 3 des2004 lrswipcda

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