Ken Murchison wrote:
Bob Tito wrote:
Ken Murchison wrote:
Bob Tito wrote:
Hi all,

At the moment we seem to have a problem with sieve on our cyrus-imapd-2.2.12 sytem (single instance message store ON)
Basically everthing works fine, but:

When a message is sent to 2 (or more?) recipients and one has an vacation message on with the email-address of the otherperson a vacation message is sent. Now, to make this more clear:

sender > recipient-a ( no sieve notification) and recipient-b (vacation message with email-address of recipient-a)

Do you mean that recipient-a has a vacation action in which :addresses includes recipient-a?

Hi Ken,

We tried to be carefull to explain a stupid problem ;-)

recipient-a has a vacation action with the mail-address of recipient-a !

This is a normal config. So recipient-a has a line like the following in their script:

vacation :addresses "recipient-a" "on vacation";

(probably thinking/hoping the mails will be forwarded to recipient-a during the holiday)

I Know, I Know, but this is the server of a large hospital, nurses and doctors are not the most clever computer/mail users :-)

I hope the problem is less confusing now ?

Not really. I still don't understand the config and the incorrect behavior.

Hi Ken, sorry for the direct reply ..

I'll give it another go...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] has a vacation message with email-address [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<< which is wrong but...

sender gets a vacation message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] but that user is NOT away and has no vacation message active ...

Better try ? :-)

Bob Tito
gpg key
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