>       Check your postfix configuration. I had a similar thing happen to me
> last week where any mail sent to admin/sales/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> would be delivered internally. Turns out that the ldap group filters I
> had specified in the main.cf where only using the user part of the email
> address (%u) for the matching. This assumes you're using a virtual
> domain config in postfix, as it searches the group and alias maps
> regardless of where the email is destined, unless you've got it set to
> only search them for your domain(I don't remember that setting but it's
> in the postfix ldap documenation).

No virtual domains here, just a transport:
ivytech.edu lmtp:unix:/var/imap/socket/lmtp

And the following LDAP config:

alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases, ldap:ldapsource

ldapsource_server_host = ldap.ivytech.edu
ldapsource_search_base = ou=People,dc=ivytech,dc=edu
ldapsource_query_filter = (&(o=Mail)(|(uid=%u)(mailLocalAddress=%u)))
ldapsource_debuglevel = 0
ldapsource_result_attribute = uid
ldapsource_bind = no

John Madden
UNIX Systems Engineer
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana

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