I have a very odd problem and I'm not sure what is causing it.

We have a typical cyrus/postfix mail setup. I have several webmail clients installed, so that each person can use the one they prefer.

- Roundcube (beta, of course)
- Horde
- SquirrelMail

In each of these, all addresses but one work. We have 4 email/web domains hosted on this server. One is a [EMAIL PROTECTED] address, which is the one that fails.

Now, obviously, if anyone sends to [EMAIL PROTECTED], the email actually goes to the server that is authoritative for lastname.name, then forwards the email to a forwarding account, which happens to be [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I actually created a lastname.name domain on the box for efficiency - if you send from local domain 1, there's no point in sending it across the Internet when it is destined for the same server.

I know, technically it could cause an issue if someone else had a similar address with the same lastname. I'm not too worried, given the circumstances. Nonetheless, email is delivered to and from the box fine. Postfix forwards everything on to cyrus just as expected.

I can access the accounts via Thunderbird (IMAP) perfectly.

All of the webmail clients fail, however (and they only fail with my account). They don't fail on any other domain on the box. Horde, actually does work, but RoundCube and Squirrelmail fails.

When I log into Squirrelmail with this account, the first page of my inbox is perfect. Subsequent pages give many "unknown title" and "unknown time" messages, etc. It's as if the specific information isn't coming across. When I click on those messages, it gives me a "not found on server" error.

Where do I start, and what could cause this? I'm baffled!

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