On Wed, 2006-02-01 at 17:28 +0100, Miro Dietiker, MD Systems wrote:
> Is there a simple way to script the deletion of mails in this box older
> than 2month or so?

ipurge can do this, from our cyrus.conf:

  purgespam     cmd="ipurge -X -d 14 -f user.%.spam" at=0200
  purgetrash    cmd="ipurge -X -d 28 -f user.%.Trash" at=0230

> Second: I would appreciate to have folders in this mailbox which
> represent a single day. As an option, this folder may be created moving
> "todays mails" with a cron job in this adhoc-created folder...
> First I took sieve trying to find a way to implement realtime-movement
> based on incoming-date to this autocreate-folder. As I see, sieve is not
> capable doing that due to several restrictions!

in Cyrus, fileinto a new folder will not create the folder automatically
unless you add the unofficial autosievefolder patch.  (the Sieve
standard is silent on this issue, so some implementations will create
new folders automatically, while others won't.)

to actually generate the correct folder name during delivery, you would
need the "variables" extension, and possibly the date-index extension
neither of which have been implemented in Cyrus.

Kjetil T.

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