Benjamin Adams wrote:
I'm running spamassassin on Mac OS X tiger
I created a mail account for for everyone to send their spam to be submitted.
Then I created a script that would run:

"su cyrusimap -c 'sa-learn -spam nameusername/*.' "

This seamed to work but now I don't think its working

If you're looking to build a global bayes database, this is probably the wrong approach. It's too high maintenance and gives your users way too much power. If you want to let users interact, you may also want to look at dspam.

I run SpammAssassin in a postfix content filter (I use a before-queue content filter, but high volume sites should use an after-queue content filter). SA will prime the bayes database with its excellent builtin rules. It will kick in when it's reached a suitable number of tokens, so don't try to rush it. The only cron job I run is sa-learn --force-expire once a day offpeak, because opportunistic token expiration is a performance killer (set bayes_auto_expire 0 in Once in a while, I'll run sa-learn on a small corpus of spam I've collected myself.

I want to lower my hits required to 3.5

Don't do that. In most cases, SA knows best. Monitor the rules that kick in, and if you think that some contribute too many or too few points, adjust them in

 # increase default score
 # decrease default score

I only have a handful of these. Setting it too low will mark way too many messages as spam. I use a two-tiered approach, and quarantine or deliver scores between 5 and 7, but REJECT (not bounce) messages with scores of 7 or more. YMMV. Note that rejection is only possible before delivery (as with a postfix before-queue content filter, or a sendmail milter).

I tried changing /var/mail/spamassassin/

required_hits  3

But the mail coming in still says required 5, is this the wrong file?
Do I have to restart something?

It's required_score. For more info, run this command:

  perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf

anyone have a other ideas to stop spam I'm getting slammed with it.

There are many good ideas for stopping spam. But you should do it at the MTA level, not after delivery to your mailbox. A good start would be to learn about DNSBLs, and be sure to accept mail for valid users, only. If you're using OS X, you're probably running postfix, which has many excellent anti-UCE features.

Here's an example restriction list from /etc/postfix/ (I don't know if it's in the same location on the Mac) that will block a lot of spam (even more can be accomplished with content filters and access maps):

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =

There are other DNSBLs that are more aggressive, greylisting, and sender address verification. All have good and bad points, so study the documentation well. Running an MTA is very complex. It's also a *little* off-topic, here, so my apologies to the list.

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