On Thu, 2 Feb 2006 21:42:18 -0500 "Bill Kearney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I have seen such problems occur when Outlook is left running for long
>> periods of time. Believe it or not, a complete reboot of Windows is
>> often necessary. Simply restarting Outlook is not always sufficient.
> I'll second that rather grim pronouncement.  Outlook's IMAP handling is
> DEFECTIVE.  It really cannot reliably stay connected to an IMAP server.
> It's been broken in all versions but 2003 seems to be the MOST defective.
> It plainly just doesn't work.  I have seem it require a complete reboot of
> the PC to free it up.
> If you use an IMAP server don't depend on getting Outlook to work with it.
> Now, Outlook Express?  That works, quite handily.

Hmm...  About the only mention that I see in the documentation regarding
Outlook is in the imapd.conf(5) man page under the allowallsubscribe
option and in the install-murder document, both of which are, AFAIK,
totally irrelevant to this context.

Wouldn't it be nice if there were an Outlook FAQ specifically targeted
at using backends *other* than Exchange?  Does such a thing exist (Cyrus
or not) or shall I perform a checkout on the imapd CVS tree? ;-)

Anthony Chavez                                 http://anthonychavez.org/
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